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April 1-3, 2025
Hilton University of Houston
Houston, TX

Excellence in Port Communications

2025 pof banner

New Wave Media and the Borders, Trade, and Immigration Institute again solicit applications for the award for “Excellence in Port Communications and Community Relations.”

Each year, the award is presented at the annual Port of the Future Conference, held the first week of April, in Houston, Texas. This year’s Port of the Future Conference will be held April 1-3, 2025, at the Hilton University Houston, Houston, Texas.

Competition for this award is open to ports worldwide. Awards will be presented in two categories: small ports (one hundred total employees or less), and large ports (more than one hundred employees). Interested ports should compile packets for review of their communications over the course of Calendar Year 2024.

Note: Ports who win the Excellence in Port Communications and Community Relations Award are ineligible to compete for the following five years.

Submissions will be reviewed in the following areas:

  • Port must identify the number of its employees (category of award)
  • Performance metrics and 2024 Calendar Year results
  • Use of multi-media channels to the port community (business partners, government and regional agencies, employees, business partners, carriers, surrounding communities, etc.)
    • Television
    • Radio
    • Print
    • Website
    • Social Media
    • Events (In-person communications)
    • Other
  • Coordination with media outlets
  • Advance notification and coverage of events
  • Emergency communications
  • Record of continuous communications outreach (over the 2023 calendar year)
  • Outreach to surrounding schools and communities
  • Innovation in communications

Submission packets must arrive at the University of Houston by Friday, February 28, 2025. Packets may provide samples of communications materials used by the submitting ports (communication plan, media releases, copies of social media postings, website, brochures, photos, video recordings, etc.).

All submissions will be reviewed by a panel of communications professionals. 2025 Awards will be announced Friday, March 21, 2025.

Submissions may be sent electronically to or mailed to:

University of Houston
Port of the Future Conference
ATTN: Excellence in Port Communication Award
5000 Gulf Freeway
Building 7, Suite 100
Houston, Texas 77204

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