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April 1-3, 2025
Hilton University of Houston
Houston, TX

Juan Carlos Paz Cardenas

Juan Carlos Paz Cárdenas

Chairman of the Board of Directors
The National Port Authority – Peru

Juan Carlos Paz Cárdenas is an outstanding professional with extensive experience in the port, shipping, logistics and waterway fields. He has played leadership roles in important public sector entities such as the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC), the Supervisory Body for Investment in Transportation Infrastructure (OSITRAN), the Superintendency of Land Freight Transportation (SUTRAN) and the Metropolitan Institute PROTRANSPORTE, as well as in the private sector.

Among its most notable projects are the key initiatives for the country’s port and logistics development, such as the projects to install the first gantry cranes in Callao, the port concessions of Salaverry and Yurimaguas, as well as the implementation of the Amazon Waterway and the Ferry Iquitos – Santa Rosa.

In addition, he has contributed as an international consultant to organizations such as the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Global Association for Maritime Transport Infrastructure (PIANC). He has extensive university teaching experience at the postgraduate level.

His experience is also reflected in his publications on port and waterway matters and his participation in port and shipping legislation.