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April 1-3, 2025
Hilton University of Houston
Houston, TX

Spencer Pope

Spencer Pope

Product Manager / Manager of Grant Acquisitions
Taylor Machine Works, Inc.

Spencer Pope serves as Product Manager, and Manager of Grant Acquisitions, for Taylor Machine Works, Inc., headquartered in Louisville, Mississippi. The Taylor portfolio features over 150 heavy industrial material handling equipment models, including Forklifts, Container Handlers, Reach Stackers, and many other heavy industrial machines. His tenure as Product Manager has spanned the development of many new products, including ZERO emissions battery electric Container Handlers, battery electric heavy Forklifts, and negative-lift Reach Stackers purpose-built to serve inland waterway barge applications.

Working to educate Taylor’s industrial customer base on new material handling technologies and air quality advancements is a responsibility that Spencer is passionate about. He works at the State and Federal levels to drive policy and encourage alternate sources of funding for these new technologies.

Spencer also serves as Co-Chairman of the National Association of Waterfront Employers’ “Environment, Energy, and Equipment (E3C) Committee”. In that role, he serves as voice of the American Manufacturers who play key roles in supporting our nation’s ports, waterways, and surrounding communities. Taylor Machine Works was instrumental in the development of dedicated container handling equipment almost 50 years ago and continues to innovate and meet the Port Industries’ material handling challenges today.