Jeremy Hansen is a Protective Security Advisor (PSA) with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Region 6, covering the Southeast Texas District. He serves as a security and resiliency subject matter expert and is the link between state, local, tribal, and territorial organizations and CISA infrastructure mission partners. He performs vulnerability and security assessments on a variety of Critical Infrastructure to identify security gaps and potential vulnerabilities as well as coordinate training and supports special events and incident management. Prior to joining CISA, Mr. Hansen served a total of 24 years with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) in Federal Civilian, Active Duty, and Reserve capacities.
In Federal Civilian service to the USCG, Mr. Hansen served with Marine Safety Unit Port Arthur as the Port Security Specialist (PSS) and Executive Administrator of the Southeast Texas & Southwest Louisiana Area Maritime Security Committee, protecting the Nation’s largest commercial Military Out-load (MOL) operation and third largest petrochemical port complex. During his tenure, Mr. Hansen performed countless nationally significant critical infrastructure security assessments, facilitated hundreds of American Maritime Security Committee (AMSC) engagements and activities, supported response to several nationally significant Type-1 incidents, and leading Southeast Texas efforts in successfully securing tens of millions in Port Security Grant Program awards.
In Military service, Mr. Hansen most recently served as the Senior Enlisted Reserve Advisor (SERA) of USCG Station Sabine, the largest enlisted Command and second largest Small-boat Station in the USCG. Over a period of 11 years, Mr. Hansen led Station Sabine’s Reserve forces to excellence in maintaining Reserve readiness and mission support, which included supporting nationally significant events, incidents, and operations, numerous Search & Rescue (SAR) operations, mitigation of high-impact environmental incidents, Anti-Terrorism (AT)/Maritime Law Enforcement (MLE) activities, and MOL missions. During this assignment, he additionally served eight years as a volunteer member of the Eighth Coast Guard District’s Joint Field Office support team’s ESF #10 Subject Matter Expert.
Mr. Hansen’s prior military service assignments include a four-year Title-X deployment in Southeast Texas in support of MOL operations and Active-duty assignments aboard USCG Cutter’s Campbell and Saginaw performing agency missions including SAR, AT/MLE, migrant interdiction, humanitarian aid, Aids to Navigation, and international mission support. During his Active-Duty tenure, Mr. Hansen achieved certification as a Tactical Small-boat Coxswain and Federal Boarding Officer, assuming leadership roles in associated mission areas. Additionally, Notable activities include support of the following high-profile incidents and events: Hurricane Georges Maritime Transportation System recovery; 9/11 World Trade Center attack; Hurricane Katrina (Command staff); Operation Neptune Shield & Operation Iraqi Freedom State-side support, and Hurricane Ike (Command Staff) support.
Mr. Hansen has served more than 30 years as a local First Responder and Public Safety Official. He is a founding member and Fire Chief of Jefferson County Emergency Services District No. 4 (2016 to Present) providing Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Medical Services for 265 square miles of rural West Jefferson County, Texas. In addition, he has held roles as an Emergency Telecommunicator (1996-2005), Emergency Manager (2002-2004), and Reserve Deputy Sheriff (2007-2013).
Mr. Hansen is a graduate of the USCG Chief Petty Officer’s Academy (2015), serving as class President and recipient of the “Altus Tendo” award. He currently maintains certification as a FEMA Master Exercise Practitioner (MEP), ALERRT Active Shooter Instructor, Pro Board Accredited Firefighter I, and EMT-Basic (Texas).